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January 11, 2011

Makin' Memories

Roman just had what I think will be one of his most fun snowtime memories.
We spent the morning outside playing and sledding in the snow. While we were out, I grabbed a handful of the fluffy white stuff and said, "Hey Roman, look." and stuck out my tongue to 'taste' my snowflakes.

You should have seen the amazement on his face. You can EAT snow!?!?
So among all of our outdoor activities for the day, snow eating became the most popular. I tried, but I don't know if I was successful in explaining snow-eating 101. (You know, stay away from yellow snow, dirty snow, stepped in snow etc, etc.) But it doesn't really matter.

Today we were making memories.


So we were barely warmed up from being outside (as you can tell by those frost-bitten cheeks and the mussed hat hair) when I sat him down in the kitchen for a special treat:
Chocolate Snow


It's literally just snow covered in chocolate syrup, but it's yummy!



Roman has this made-up word that we never correct:
It's just so darn cute. It's like a combo of "Yesterday" and "Last Year". He used to say Last-er-Night, but more recently he's stuck with Last-er-Year.
He'll use it for anything that happened more than 24 hours ago...
"Remember Last-er-Year when we went to the park?"
"You said Last-er-Year if I ate all of my peas for dinner I could have pudding!"
"Last-er-Year was Christmas." (This one is now technically true.)


Today was such a fun day with my cutie. The only thing that could top today is if I hear tomorrow:

"Remember Last-er-Year we played outside and then ate snow?

...That was fun."

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